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About Us

We are all about your customers.

With customers at the heart of everything we do we’ve been delivering data-driven, customer-centric communications for more than 20 years.

We’ll help you to define and understand your customers needs and wants, and then develop a marketing automation strategy with your customers at its heart.

Your communications will have new-found context and relevance across all your marketing channels.

You see, we offer a combination of marketing and technology expertise.

We work with highly qualified consultants with a wealth of experience. And all of them put the customer first. So we’re not just about technology. We’re about people, processes and, above all, engaged, loyal customers.

Teena Harris

Teena Harris – Marketing Specialist

What’s the process?

When we get together with you we’ll discover, plan, execute, analyse and optimise.

First we’ll understand your current state, what your customers currently experience, and the journey you want your customers to take. Then we’ll underpin that with people, processes and technology needed for you to deliver the future-state customer experience.

How? First we’ll make a plan.
We’ll determine how to improve the outcome for both your customers and your business, and we’ll map it out.

Next, we execute it, and analyse the results. We work out where improvements can be made, and what else could be done.

And finally we optimise it.
We provide the support you need to work with and up-skill your team; our team is an extension of yours. As your needs change, and your team grows in confidence we’ll swap out resources you need. Ultimately, you’ll manage your marketing automation yourself.


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